NA Speaker Met With The Ambassador Of Norway

08.09.2008 17:21

On September 8 Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Tigran
Torosyan received the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Armenia
Oyvind Nordsleten.

"Although Armenia and Norway are geographically far from each other,
distance is not an obstacle for development of interstate relations
in the contemporary world," the Armenian Parliament Speaker noted,
expressing confidence that the Ambassador will also contribute to
the development of interparliamentary relations.

The Ambassador of Norway expressed willingness to contribute to
the development of interparliamentary relations, noting that Norway
traditionally wishes to deepen its friendly attitude towards Armenia
and Armenians. According to Oyvind Nordsleten, Norway and Armenia are
small countries, they can make their contribution to the development
of Europe.

Upon the Ambassador’s request, NA Speaker Tigran Torosyan referred
to Armenian-Turkish relations, noting that ever since independence
Armenia has been constantly declaring that it is ready to establish
relations with Turkey without any preconditions. Turkish President
Abdullah Gul’s visit to Armenia at the invitation of the President of
the Republic of Armenia was an unprecedented event. This should be
followed by the steps of the Turkish side, particularly the opening
of the Armenian-Turkish border. The NA Speaker turned to the Karabakh
issue, noting that the South Ossetian conflict also evidences that
the regional conflicts should be solved through peaceful negotiations,
excluding military actions.