Armenian Political Expert: Russia Entered New Stage Of ‘Cold’ War


2008-09-08 15:56:00

ArmInfo. After Vladimir Putin’s Munich speech, Russia entered a new
stage of a war, Head of the Analytical Center on Globalization and
Regional Cooperation Stepan Grigoryan said at today’s international
conference in Yerevan ‘Situation in the Caucasus. Role of NATO and
EU’. ‘It is not a secret that a ‘cold’ war between the West and Russia
resumed almost a year ago after RF President Vladimir Putin’s speech
in Munich, however, after the events in Georgia, this war entered a
new stage’, he said.

The political expert thinks that exclusion of Russia from the "Big
eight" and delay of signing of a Strategic agreement of partnership
with RF by the European Union will probably become the West’s reply
to recognition of sovereignty of Abkhazia and Ossetia by Russia. This
will strike Russia strongly enough as this country has and develops
trade relations with EU, first of all, and then with the USA and
CIS partners.

‘Russia did harm to the West strongly enough by its actions in
Georgia, in particular, bombarding the ports of Poti and Batumi,
through which almost all the communications of the Europe with the
region passed. Noteworthy, the Russian military men are still in
this Georgian town, as a result of which almost all the transport and
transit programmes, being implemented by the USA and EU in the region,
have been suspended’, S. Grigoryan resumed.