Embassy Of Armenia To Be Opened Next Year In Helsinki


Noyan Tapan

Se p 12, 2008

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 12, NOYAN TAPAN. Armenia is going to open an
Embassy next year in Helsinki. RA President Serzh Sargsyan stated this
on September 12, during the conversation following the ceremony of
handing credentials by Petri Salo, the newly appointed Ambassador of
Finland to Armenia. S. Sargsyan said that Armenia considers Finland as
a model partner and is interested in further deepening of cooperation.

Emphasizing the high level of political dialogue between the two
countries, efficient cooperation within the framework of international
structures, the sides especially attached importance to activization
of economic contacts, complete use of the current potential.

The RA President and Ambassador of Finland exchanged thoughts about
the latest events in the Caucasus, regional cooperation and security

Mentioning that Armenia can be a stabilizing factor in the region,
P. Salo said that Finland welcomes Turkish President’s visit to
Armenia at S. Sargsyan’s invitation and two countries’ political
will to attend to settlement of the current problems, creation of an
atmosphere of peace and confidence in the region.

According to the report provided to Noyan Tapan by the RA President’s
Press Office, European Union’s Eastern policy was also touched upon
during the meeting. S. Sargsyan said that Armenia is resolute in its
intention to develop efficient cooperation with European structures,
as well as to deepen its relations with EU member-countries.
