Min of Nature Protection denies info re Khosrov natural reserve

RA Ministry of Nature Protection denies information by some local mass
media concerning Khosrov natural reserve

2008-09-13 10:11:00

ArmInfo. RA Ministry of Nature Protection denies the information spread
by some local mass media concerning Khosrov natural reserve. The
message received by ArmInfo today from the press service of RA Ministry
of Nature Protection says that some local mass media spread an
information according to which building work is carried out in the
territory of Khosrov natural reserve. Construction is carried out not
in the territory of Khosrov natural reserve but in the territory of
"Gilan" preserved area adjacent to Khosrov reserve. Separate sections
of "Gilan" area have been leased out by the Armenian government’s
decision for tourism development purposes, the message of the press
service of RA Ministry of Nature Protection says.