BAKU: US Amb Favours Expansion Of Cooperation With Azerbaijan


Sept 14 2008

The US ambassador to Azerbaijan, Anne Derse, has said that the
recent visit to Azerbaijan by US Vice-President Dick Cheney
was very productive. She said that both sides agreed to expand
their cooperation in various spheres. While in Azerbaijan, the
US vice-president said that now it is the most suitable time for
solving the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan
and this solution should be based on the principle of Azerbaijan’s
territorial integrity. Ambassador Derse said the United States intends
to continue its activity as a member of the OSCE Minsk Group to solve
the conflict. She also said that US foreign policy priorities in the
South Caucasus will undergo no changes after the recent events in
Georgia and urged Russia to reconsider its actions and behaviour with
regard to Georgia. The following is the text of report by private
Azerbaijani TV station ANS on 14 September; subheadings have been
inserted editorially:

[Presenter in studio] The visit to Azerbaijan by US Vice-President Dick
Cheney caused great repercussions in the world press. The Russian press
even wrote that Cheney’s visit to Azerbaijan was unproductive. The
US ambassador to Azerbaijan, Anne Derse, clarified this and other
issues in her interview with us.

Cheney’s visit

[Presenter speaking to Anne Derse in an office] What did Dick Cheney’s
visit to Azerbaijan give to the United States?

[Anne Derse speaking in English with Azerbaijani translation overlaid]
In fact, I would like to point out that we were thrilled with
the results of Mr Cheney’s visit to Azerbaijan. I think that the
Azerbaijani people should know that this is the most high-ranking
US official who visited Azerbaijan after the Azerbaijani Republic
gained its independence. And during this visit, we had very interesting
discussions on bilateral and common interests. My main message is that
there was common agreement that we intend to strengthen our cooperation
based on these interests. You know that our cooperation and interests
can apply to various spheres. And among them is the energy sphere,
security and other spheres.

Georgia and Russia

[Presenter] The European Union held a summit on 11 September. It did
not produce the expected results. The summit did not adopt a resolution
that would really support Georgia. What do you think about this?

[Anne Derse] I would like to point out that the United States of
America has applauded the steps taken by the European Union and its
activities. You know that the European Union supports the principle
of the territorial integrity, independence and sovereignty of states,
which is very important to the United States of America. Positive
activities have been carried out in this direction. At the same time,
peacekeepers and observers of the European Union have gone to Georgia
and intend to continue their activities there. A conference was held
on the initiative of the European Union. The main subject of this
conference was to carry out reconstruction and restoration work in
Georgia. The United States of America will join these activities. I
would like to point out that French President Mr Sarkozy has undertaken
the leading role in solving these issues.

[Presenter] Mrs Ambassador, many people think that this issue
is no longer a confrontation between Georgia and Russia, it is a
confrontation between the United States and Russia.

[Anne Derse] You know, while talking about these relations, I would
even say that this conflict could be considered to be a conflict
between Russia and the whole international community. Simply, the
Russian Federation has one choice and they have to make this choice
themselves. Either they will continue their actions in this way and
take an aggressive approach to their neighbours. In this case, Russia
will simply isolate itself. But I think that there are enough people
in Russia who realize the consequences of this and do not want Russia
to carry on in this direction. In general, Russia has an interest
in being a partner of the international community. And the United
States of America has always thought that Europe should be free. If
the Russian Federation wants to be a responsible member of that free
Europe, it should reconsider its actions and behaviour.

[Presenter] Are there any changes in the policy of the United States
in the Caucasus after the recent events? If not, what are the main
priorities for America in the South Caucasus today?

[Anne Derse] I think that there are no changes in our foreign
policy. In general, I would like to note that three [US]
administrations have changed, but they are consistently continuing
these principles and priorities. Our principles and priorities are
that we want to see Europe free and peaceful. This free and peaceful
development is suitable for us only in a democratic, secure and stable
way. I think that states which are developing in this direction can
fit into our foreign policy. These are our priorities.


[Presenter] At the summit of the Collective Security Treaty
Organization which was held this week, the heads of state recognized
Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear energy. This [organization] includes
Russia, Uzbekistan and several other countries, including Armenia. How
do you assess this resolution? Are there any changes in the policy
of the United States about Iran’s nuclear programme after the recent
events surrounding this country?

[Anne Derse] I would like to point out that the Unites States has
always said that Iran, like any other country, has the right to a
peaceful nuclear industry – an industry that operates in line with
international principles. However, the problem is that we think the
regime existing in Iran is trying to get hold of nuclear weapons. The
main issue here is not that Iran cannot have a peaceful nuclear
industry. Of course, they can have a peaceful nuclear industry and
benefit from it. The main issue is that Iran must stop enriching
uranium. It must stop such activities. In cooperation with its
international partners, the United States of America has prepared
a package of sanctions, both economic and other sanctions. If the
Iranian regime does not change its behaviour, these sanctions will
be imposed, which will harm Iran in the end.

Nagornyy Karabakh

[Presenter] How will the United States and France continue their
activities in the OSCE Minsk Group together with Russia? By recognizing
Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Russia showed itself as an interested side
in these two conflicts. Does it not question the further activities
of the OSCE Minsk Group?

[Anne Derse] I think that the recent developments in the region prove
that now it is the most suitable time for solving the conflicts in the
region. Such conflicts should be solved as soon as possible. While
continuing its activities, the United States of America has been a
very loyal partner and has always worked to find a totally peaceful
and fair solution to this conflict [Nagornyy Karabakh conflict]. I
should point out that the United States will loyally continue its
activities in this direction. I would like to tell you once again
that while in Azerbaijan, the US vice-president said that it is the
most suitable time for solving the conflict. This solution should
be peaceful, coordinated and fair, and above all, should be based
on the principle of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. Of course,
other international principles and diplomatic experience should also
be taken into account. Along with that, Mr Matthew Bryza will visit
Azerbaijan in the near future, and activities in this direction will
be continued. We hope that the Minsk Group will be able to continue
its activities. However, time will show this. Despite this, the United
States intends to continue its activities in this regard.

[Presenter] Thank you, Mrs Ambassador.

[Anne Derse] Thank you.