Tigran Torosian Advises Those Concerned About His Fate "To Take Thei


Noyan Tapan

Se p 16, 2008

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 16, NOYAN TAPAN. The speaker of the RA National
Assembly, deputy chairman of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA)
Tigran Torosian on September 16 submitted an application about his
leaving the RPA. In another application as a "logical continuation of
the first one", he gave up the post of the NA speaker. The reason is
"the current insurmountale differences" with the political majority
of the party and the parliament over "a number of problems related
to the internal political life", T. Torosian declared at a press
conference on the same day.

According to him, by the RPA regulations, he is a non-party man at
the moment of submitting the application. As regards his applications
about resigning from the post of the NA chairman and leaving the RPA,
in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the RA National Assembly,
these appolications will be presented at the upcoming plenary session
of the parliament. The resignation will be considered as accepted if
it is submitted again 5 days after the application on resignation is
made public.

After this T. Torosian will continue his activities in the parliament
as an independent deputy. "It is obvious that when a person represents
a political force, especially authorities, he has to make some
specifications when expressing an opinion and to make some, so to
speak, concessions. I think that now I will be much freer and present
fully my views," he stated, adding that "it is also interesting".

T. Torosian said that he made decisions about his resignation and
leaving the RPA as a result of summarizing the process that began
4 months ago and making some conclusions. "It is clear for me that
what has happened is a process planned beforehand with quite a simple
goal. Everything has been done through backstreet intrigues for 3-4
months. An unprecedented black propaganda has been conducted for
4 months, by using all available means and exceeding all limits,
including moral ones. It is obvious this propaganda was an organized
one, and everybody knows who has done it and why," he noted. In the
words of T. Torosian, only by mid September "this process became a
formal political problem and was discussed at the executive body of
the party – with an outcome known in advance". He said that there were
some people "who behaved in an immoral way, falsifying both the process
and the vote and presenting quite a different picture to everybody".

He advised those concerned about his fate to take "their 30 pieces
of silver and continue their way". Noting that "neither the form nor
the essence and content of what has happened are acceptable to him",
T. Torosian at the same tine said that he took his decisions because
he does not want those, with whom has worked in the party for 16 years
and in the parliament for 9 years, "to have psychological problems:
to think one thing but to have to do another".
