RA President: Recreation Of Independence Of Armenian Nationhood Was


2008-09-22 09:31:00

ArmInfo. ‘Recreation of independence of the Armenian nationhood was the
history’s demand. Our people has never put up with loss of independence
– the people, whose historians and writers called a lack of freedom
and the aggressors’ power illegal’, RA President Serzh Sargsyan said
in view of 17th anniversary of Independence.

He emphasized that Armenia’s citizens, having given their votes for
independence seventeen years ago, created a history of today’s and
tomorrow’s Armenia. Independence, he said, ‘is fulfillment of our
dream, our biography, a period full of ups and downs, aspirations
and struggle, our potential and capacity to stand up for our national
dignity, our right to pay the costs and find national achievements,
the right to be proud of them jointly’. ‘Independence is the right
to build the own history by the own will. We succeeded to defend
our country during seventeen years, approve the state system, lay
the foundation of the developing economy, give a new breath to our
culture, education and health’, S. Sargsyan said.

As RA president said, ‘today, our country moves towards, and if there
is development, there is a power behind this development’. ‘This power
is our compatriots, their work, faithfulness and sacrifice. This power
is each of us. This is what makes September 21 a holiday of national
pride for us. This is a pride and not a self-complacence. We develop
new traditions of the Armenian state from declaration of independence
up to now. Today, we are a formed state which must be able to disroot
the phenomena braking our progress and stimulate the values which
our generations fight for, the values we advocate, that is, freedom,
democracy and equality before the law.

We are the masters of these values and we shall protect them’,
S. Sargsyan emphasized.