Negotiations in ‘coma’ and need to be revived: David Babayan

“Although the bill on recognition of the independence of Artsakh was not put on the agenda of the National Assembly, the issue remains on Armenia’s foreign policy agenda,” Spokesman for the NKR President David Babayan said in an interview with .

“There is no alternative to the international recognition of Artsakh, but Armenia should not be the first country to do that,” David Babayan said. According to him, Arnia mewill do this in two cases: first, after Azerbaijan recognizes the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and second, in case Azerbaijan wages new war.

Will Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents meet in Vienna today and what are the expectations from such a meeting?

David Babayan considers that the possible meeting between  Serzh Sarsgayn and Ilham Aliyev is not the key one. According to him, it’s more important that the Presidents of the two countries will meet with the OSCE Misnk Group Co-Chairs, the Russian Foreign Minister and the US Secretary of State.

“The negotiation process, which is currently in coma, needs to be revived. The emphasis should be put on the maintenance of peace and stability, as well as the development of confidence-building measures and implementation of the mechanism for investigation of border incidents,” Babayan said.

According to the Spokesman, the implementation of such a mechanism is a process that may require years, and hard work on the part of the Defense Ministers and Foreign Ministers of the three countries Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh.

He said that considering the harm the recent Azerbaijani aggression has caused to the negotiation process, discussions on the final issues like the status of Nagorno Karabakh and borders would be senseless, and would constitute part of a political show.