Serzh Sargsyan: Bundestag’s recognition of Armenian Genocide a historic step

President Serzh Sargsyan today sent letters of gratitude to German President Joachim Gauck, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Bundestag President Norbert Lammert on the occasion of adoption of an Armenian Genocide bill by the German Bundestag.

President Sargsyan expressed gratitude to them and all German political and civil forces, which said their decisive word on the issue. The President voiced hope that the resolution would have its unique place in the recognition and prevention of genocides.

“The adoption of the bill recognizing the Armenian Genocide was really a historic step not only for Armenia and the Armenian people, Germany and the German people, but also the whole civilized mankind.  It symbolizes the superiority of democratic universal values and emphasizes Germany’s consistent role in the preservation of those values. It’s a message to the world that the crimes against humanity are not only remembered 100 years later, but are also condemned with accurate characterization,” President Sargsyan said.