The Beginning Of The New Tradition


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
04 Oct 2008

The President’s Messages To Be Regular

In the person of Serge Sargsyan’s message of October 2 we deal with a
whole complex of conceptual approaches, which need separate study.

To clarify the main principle of the new government’s approaches, in
the beginning of his speech the President introduced the conceptual
guidelines of his policy, which he summarized with the new commentaries
given to the three categories of the political sciences ”stable”,
”realistic”, and ”balanced”.

From now on political categories will not be observed in our reality as
absolute values, because as the President underscored: ”we must uproot
any possibility of crises in any sphere.” Which means at the moment
the country is ready to pass on to stable-dynamic regime, which
necessarily demands new approaches towards the mistakes of the ruling
power and the realistic decisions taken by them.

By reminding us of the famous truth saying that ”the authorities that
do nothing never make mistakes” the President underscored that, very
often, when we go beyond the limits of realism we make the limits of
this realism greater.

So, in fact the authorities intend to implement a creative, dynamic and
flexible policy, which necessarily presumes wider involvement of the
public and the political forces in the discussion of fatal issue

By advancing this new principle the President pointed out those
problems faced by the country regarding which really pragmatic
discussions will start in the form of the messages delivered by the
president and the proposals made by the political forces and the
public. Serge Sargsyan says all the before mentioned is summed up in
`About Us and the World’, `About Us and Our Economy’, `About Us and Our
Course of Action’, `About Us and Our Society’, `About Us and Our
Problems’ and finally `About Us and Our Future”.

By opening all the brackets of those, for the present, conditional
problems Serge Sargsyan introduced the internal and external problems
faced by the country.

First: when estimating the country’s external-political sphere, based
on the new challenges, including the arms race, which continues in the
region and the absence of Peace agreement between NKR and Azerbaijan
the President came to the conclusion that the fact that Karabakh war is
not over should become a matter of concern for all of us and we should
all become more sensible.

This fact over again demonstrates how primitive are the conclusions of
the external and internal critics who expect concessions from Armenia’s
new authorities.

By summarizing the second point of the message ` `About Us and Our
Economy’ the President came to a conclusion that=2
0the period of the
implementation of super-programs has come for Armenia. From which he
separated the construction of the new nuclear station, Armenia-Iran
railway and the establishment of the Pan-Armenian Bank.

This fact demonstrates that in the near future our country will be able
to solve the issues of the modernization of its economy and raising the

Third: In the point: `About Us and Our Course of Action’ Serge Sargsyan
introduced the new methodology of the collective discussion and the
adoption of the future goals, which will be the guideline of the new
government. It previews raising the role of the National Assembly,
political parties and the Security Council, and the involvement of the
society in those processes by means of the Public Council.

In the fourth point of the message ` `About Us and Our Problems’ the
President brought the attention of those present on the vital issue of
discussing the budget of 2013.

The proposal made by the President in the fifth point about changing
the quality of social relations and avoiding the competition that has
been rooted in our reality was rather noteworthy.

In the last point of his message ` `About Us and Our Future’ the
President spoke about the very important issue of overcoming the `wrong
dreams’ by which the coming generations are living. He said our work
would be senseless if the20`hero’ of Armenian children will be not the
one who won in the Olympic games but the one who has an expensive car.

Thus by his first message the President enumerated all the challenges
faced by our country and the concrete recipes to overcome all of them.

The concept of the message displays that the country’s leadership
really intends to make the whole society active, in order to solve all
the external and internal challenges. In such circumstances the
formation of our political culture will be based on the principle of
shouldering joint responsibility for any decision.