Turkish And Armenian Deputies About Prospects Of Dialogue Between An


2008-10-06 14:41:00

ArmInfo-Turan. All countries of the region will benefit from Turkey’s
initiative "Platform of Stability and Cooperation on Caucasus,"
head of Turkish delegation in PACE Mevlut Cavusoglu said in his
interview with Turan. He added that the visit of Turkish President
Abdullah Gul to Yerevan last month "was not aimed against Azerbaijan’s
interests." First of all Gul discussed the Karabakh conflict and
ways of its settlement with the Armenian government. "Recognition of
the so-called "Armenian genocide" and opening of Turkish-Armenian
borders were not the subject of discussion," claims Cavusoglu. The
deputy stressed that the Turkish president has informed Azerbaijani
President Ilham Aliyev about results of the talks. Cavusoglu said
that uncertainty with the conflict settlement can last 20-30 years
and dialogue between Turkey and Armenia is needed to get things moving
from the dead point. Asked if borders between Turkey and Armenia can
be opened, Cavusoglu said this is possible only after taking efficient
measures to liberate occupied Azerbaijani territories and ensure its
territorial integrity. He said Karabakh conflict settlement is more
important for Turkey. "Recognition of Turkish borders by Armenia is
not a problem for us.

Turkish borders have been recognized by international Kars Treaty,"
said Cavusoglu. Avet Adonz , member of Armenian delegation in
PACE, representative of Prosperous Armenia party, told Turan’
correspondent that Gul’s visit to Armenia could help to begin "a
sincere dialogue." "When I say sincere dialogue and I mean that the
dialogue must be filled with practical steps," said Adonts. Asked if
Armenia still demands recognition of the Armenian genocide in 1915,
Adonts answered that Armenia does not lay down this condition for
establishment of diplomatic relations and opening of borders. He also
added that dialogue between Turkey and Armenia will have a positive
effect on the Karabakh conflict settlement. Asked if Armenia is
ready to compromises at the talks with Azerbaijan, Adonts said
"unlike Azerbaijan, Armenia was always ready to compromises."