This Is A Reality


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
09 Oct 2008

According to VAHRAM ATANESYAN, Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee
of the NKR National Assembly, "It is desirable for the 1994 ceasefire
to become an agreement between the conflicting parties on the one
hand and the mediators on the other. By saying ‘parties’, I first of
all mean Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan.

Karabakh is a full party to the 1994 ceasefire agreement and bears
its share of responsibility. And responsibility also implies certain

After all, no one can deny that the Nagorno Karabakh Republic has
always been and continues to remain a factor in the South Caucasus. And
it will continue to remain in the same status in future as well. This
is a reality that cannot be circumvented from the point of view of
either the present-day developments or especially, the international
practice of conflict settlement."