Armenian, Russian Presidents Attend Gala Ceremony In Yerevan


21.10.2008, 12.27

YEREVAN, October 21 (Itar-Tass) — The presidents of Armenia and
Russia have attended a gala ceremony of opening Square of Russia in
Yerevan on Tuesday.

The square is situated in the area between the buildings of the Yerevan
Mayor’s office and the city History Museum and the House of Moscow –
a cultural and business center.

In the beginning of the gala ceremony the national anthems of the
two countries were played. Yerevan city mayor Ervand Zakharyan bid
welcome to the Russian president on behalf of the people of Armenia
and residents of Yerevan, in particular. "We look upon the Russian
president’s visit to Armenia as an important event symbolizing strong
friendship between the Russian and Armenian people," the Yerevan city
mayor said in his welcoming speech. "The Armenian people historically
regard the Russian state and its people as their closest friends,
and today they believe they have a reliable friend and partner in
all fields personified by Russia and its president," the mayor said.

The capitals of the two countries – Yerevan and Moscow, have close
relations of partnership in all fields and set a good example
of cooperation between cities. The Armenian people deeply value
mutual friendship that withstood the test of time. To reaffirm this
friendship the Yerevan City Council made a decision to name the s
quare in the city center, that has a key administrative importance,
Square of Russia, the mayor said.

Residents of Yerevan who attended the ceremony warmly greeted the
two presidents who spoke at the ceremony. In his speech the Armenian
president praised bonds of undying friendship between the Russian
and Armenian people.

"Throughout the entire history and despite hardships and mischief that
befell us friendship between the two countries remained as strong as
ever and became even stronger and more meaningful as centuries go by."

"The Great Russian people made a unique contribution to the treasury
of the world civilization. The national flags of Armenia and Russia
hoisted above this square are not only a symbol of our relations as
allies, but personify our cultural and historical unity," the Armenian
president said.

"Today, Square of Russia has become another symbol of faithfulness
to age long fraternity and spiritual closeness of our people. It is
like world famous St. Basil Cathedral in Red Square in Moscow with
its unique side chapels, with one of them named after St. Gregory the
Illuminator. Let Square of Russia be a favorite place the Armenian
people and guests will enjoy and become another symbol of faithfulness
to our friendship for the benefit of our countries and people,"
the Armenian president said.

Upon completion of the ceremony Dmitry Medvedev and Serzh Sargsyan
inaugurated a memorable plaque to commemorate the historic event.