BAKU: Azeri MPs reject OSCE proposal to discuss Karabakh w/Armenians

Azeri MPs reject OSCE proposal to discuss Karabakh with Armenian counterparts

Bilik Dunyasi news agency
30 Nov 04


The Azerbaijani delegation at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has
rejected the proposal of this organization to hold a meeting of
Azerbaijani and Armenian MPs in Brussels in January 2005 with the aim
discussing the problem of settling the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict, the
head of the Azerbaijani delegation at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly,
Sattar Safarov, has said.

He said the proposal was put forward by the rapporteur of the OSCE
Parliamentary Assembly for the Karabakh problem, Goran Lennmarker,
during his visit to Baku last week.

Lennmarker substantiated the refusal of the Azerbaijani side with a
lack of trust in the productivity of meetings between the
parliamentarians of the conflicting sides.