Australian Liberal Party Condemns Iraq Church Bombings

AINA (Assyrian), CA
Dec 1 2004

Australian Liberal Party Condemns Iraq Church Bombings, Calls for
Safe Haven for Christians

(AINA) — The Liberal Party of Australia, NSW division, issued a
statement condemning the bombing of churches in Iraq, and calling for
a Christian enclave.

The Young Liberal Movement of NSW is the most influential youth
political organisation in Australia, and is the youth wing of the
centre-right conservative Australian Liberal Party, led by the
current Prime Minister of Australia, The Hon. John Howard MP. On
Saturday the 27th of November the state council, a meeting of
branches from the state of NSW gather to discuss policy, issued a
policy motion made by the Smithfield branch, which has many Assyrian
members and is located near Fairfield, which has the largest
concentration of Assyrians in Australia.

The Statement states:

The Liberal Party of Australia, NSW Division condemn the hideous and
unjustifiable attacks on the Assyrian and Armenian Christian churches
in Baghdad and Mosul that killed 15 worshipers and injured another
65. These attacks are a crime not only against Iraqi Christians but
all Iraqis who seek a free and democratic Iraq. The Liberal Party of
Australia, NSW Division further deems that the formation of a
Christian enclave in the north is necessary to safeguard the
country’s Christian minority, who makeup 3% of the total population.

The motion was passed unanimously by over 100 delegates in the
presence of Federal members of Parliament and is now a part of the
official policy of the NSW Young Liberals.