Haigazian University Celebrates The Naming Of The "Derian Armenologi

By Mira Yardemian

AZG Armenian Daily


On Friday, October 13, Haigazian University named its Armenian Library
as the "Derian Armenological Library", in honor of Mrs. Anahis Derian
and her late husband Henry, from Pasadena, California. They had donated
$500,000 to the University, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary,
back in the year 2005.

The ceremony, attended by prominent Armenian officials, intellectuals,
editors, publishers, and friends of the library, opened with the
unveiling of the Henry & Anahis Derian memorial plaque by the President
of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East,
the Rev. Megrdich Karagoezian, University President Rev. Dr. Paul
Haidostian, and University Librarian Ms. Sonia Sislian.

Sislian welcomed the audience and gave a brief overview of the Derian
Armenological Library.

"Founded in 1955 by the special efforts of Rev. Dikran Kherlopian, the
Derian Library holds one of the richest collections in the Armenian
Diaspora, including a number of rare books, and a selection of the
18th and 19th century publications", Sislian said.

She added that the Derian Library constitutes an Armenian research
center, which serves not only students, but many scholars, editors,
and researchers from around the world. "The library also includes
the private collections of prominent Armenian intellectuals, like
Siran Seza, Kersam Aharonian, Dr. Antranig Manouguian, and Krikor
Bogharian", Sislian concluded.

Bibliographer, scholar, and school principal, Mr. Jirair Tanielian
shared with the audience his experience of more than 20 years as
the librarian of the Armenian Library. "Many important delegations,
historians, and prominent Armenian figures passed from here, especially
after the University decided to render the Library public", Tanialian
noted. "At a time of severe political divisions, the Armenian Library
witnessed the regroupment of Armenians of different political parties
and ideologies, something that was impossible to find elsewhere",
Tanielian explained.

In his closing word, President Haidostian expressed his special
gratitude to Mrs. Derian, and noted that while Henry Derian had
passed away a year ago, Mrs. Anahis Derian had sent a kind message
apologizing for not being able to attend the event and that she was
in prayer for the Haigazian University community. Haidostian stated
that the ceremony is the celebration of three inspiring realities:

The Derians’ generosity and benevolence that arises out of a deep
Christian spirit;

The Derians’ meaningful input to the vibrant Lebanese community; and,

The Derians’ choice of associating their name with what is Armenian,
in this case, the Armenological Library.

Afterwards, the audience enjoyed a tour in the "Derian Armenological
Library", and had a look at its latest acquisitions from Turkey
and Armenia.

The ceremony concluded with cutting a celebratory cake on this
special occasion.