Humanitarian Project Aids Dozens Of Armenian Jews


Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS

YEREVAN, Armenia – On October 23, in the office of the Jewish community
of Armenia, a good number of pensioners, veterans and other needy
members of the local community got a real helping hand. Namely,
they are the recipients for a humanitarian initiative that entailed
providing food assistance (including fresh vegetables as potatoes
and onions).

Each of the beneficiaries obtained a 10-kilogram sack of potatoes and
a 5-kilogram bag of onions. Overall, this undertaking has helped the
70 most needy members of the Jewish community in Armenia.

This initiative went over successfully thanks to the leadership
of Chief Rabbi of Armenia Gersh Meir Burshtein, a Chabad Lubavitch
emissary serving in this unique east European country, as well as the
project’s sponsors and those who volunteered their time to organize
this operation on the ground and distribute the products.

The Jewish community of Armenia expresses its deep gratitude
to its American sponsors of a multi-year support project to the
community. For the past few years, the local community has been able
to partially offset the cost of electricity for its office in the
autumn-winter period, as well as carry out significant assistance
such as distributing pharmaceuticals and medical aids from the USA
and dispersing other forms of humanitarian issue to those members of
the community who have found themselves in dire situations.

The Jewish community of Armenia is a member of the Federation of Jewish
Communities of the CIS and Baltic Countries, which has benefited since
its inception from the steadfast leadership of its President, Lev
Leviev. Lev and Olga Leviev also number among the main benefactors of
this 15-country organization, inspiring generations of Jews to become
acquainted with and embrace their national heritage and traditions.