Was It An Attempted Suicide Or Has A Commander Shot The Soldier For


30 October 2008 [15:03]

There has occurred an emergency state in the Azerbaijani army again
though what occurs almost every day can hardly be called an emergency

Spokesman for the defense Ministry of Azerbaijan Eldar Sabiroghlu
told Novosti-Azerbaijan that serviceman of a military unit in Gedebey
Hasan Allahverdiyev shot himself being on the military post. The
soldier was injured.

In this connection, the military prosecutor’s office instituted a
criminal proceeding.

Sabiroghlu did not confirm the statement in the press that the soldier
was shot by a commander, who got angry with Allahverdiyev for not
filling the mobile accounts of the commander:

– I have never said that. Those who wrote it are fully responsible for
the version of the attempted murder of the soldier by his commander.

– But you can not reject cases of bullying within the Azerbaijani
army, after the video tapes about humiliation of conscripts by older
soldiers were posted in the youtube.com.

– I would like to repeat: there are no cases of bullying in the
Azerbaijani army.

I do not believe that Allahverdiyev shot himself due to the conflict
with the commander. There are separate cases of abuse of powers by
the military men, but such cases are always thoroughly investigated
by the military prosecutor’s office and the responsible persons
are brought to responsibility. The soldier in the Alyat military
hospital, who made conscripts beat each others was arrested and two
officers of this hospital were reduced in position. No one rejects
that there are certain definite cases in the Azerbaijani army but
effective measures are taken to avert such events. The military
prosecutor’s office instituted and investigated several criminal
cases against the Azerbaijani servicemen and those responsible for
it were sentenced to different terms of imprisonment. If the persons,
responsible for humiliation of servicemen were not persecuted by the
law, you would have been right to state the presence of bullying in
the Azerbaijani army.

– How can you explain new information about Armenian-captured
Azerbaijani soldier Rafig Hasanov, who does not intend to return
to Azerbaijan as is seen from the text of the letter, delivered to
his parents?

– If he really developed this intention while being in the captivity,
this occurred in the result of pressure by Armenians. The same
occurred with our soldier Samir Mamedov, who refused to return to
Azerbaijan under the pressure of Armenians, who beat him, and was sent
by Armenians to a third country under support of the International
Committee of the Red Cross.