Russia: Moscow hosts first international antiterrorist Media Forum

Russia: Moscow hosts first international antiterrorist Media Forum

Channel One TV, Moscow
2 Dec 04

[Presenter] The inaugural plenum of the international antiterrorist
Media Forum is taking place in Moscow today. Its founders include the
secretariat of the Collective Security Treaty Organization [CSTO
members are Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan], the Nezavisimaya Publishing Group, the National
Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters and the Russian Union
of Journalists.

In the opinion of Nikolay Bordyuzha, CSTO secretary-general, the Media
Forum should be a staunch ally to the law-enforcement bodies in
fighting terrorism and the drugs threat.

[Bordyuzha] As I see it, we need to set up a single information field
to counter these challenges, but across all the area covered by the
CSTO which is, as you know, six states. All these states are worried
by the same problems: political and religious extremism, terrorism and
drugs. We can now take a coordinated approach to work to consolidate
society against these.

As I understand it, the most important issue is having a very firm
link between the information departments of the law enforcement bodies
and the media community.