How much does God love His Christians?

News Chief, FL
Nov 1 2008

How much does God love His Christians?

Guest columnist

"Think what great love the Father has lavished on us!" (1 John 3:1)

First, God revealed that He loved the world (kosmos: all human beings)
so much that He gave His uniquely born Beloved Son as a sacrificial
offering for all (1 John 2:2). This meant that Jesus Christ would bear
the wrath of God on the cruel Tree to make atonement for our sin.

Anyone who responds in faith to Jesus Christ is instantly transformed
from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son. (John
3:16; 5:24).

Next, God reveals that He loves true Israel with an everlasting
love. Indeed, a primary reason for which the Son of God came into this
world as the Son of Man, was to manifest Himself, in person, to Israel
as their Messiah and King.

Christ declared: "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel… to
confirm God’s covenant promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." (Matthew
15:24; Romans 15:8). These promises, hundreds of them, will be
literally fulfilled at His second advent.

Then, God revealed that He loves with an unconditional and eternal
love (agape) all those who put their faith in His Son. All who become
members of His body are "blessed with every spiritual blessing in the
heavenlies, and are given everything necessary for life and
godliness…" (Ephesians 1:3; 2 Peter 1:3).

This endowment is given to every believer in the Church Age, bar
none. This is God’s genuine equality which only grace
provides. Provided, but sadly little exploited by us to the full,
because we fail to seriously "grow in the grace and knowledge of
Christ … and thus become mature."

The edified believer basics in God’s love promise which pledges: "He
(God, the Father) who spared not His Son … will He not with Him give
us all things … All things are yours … so that in all things at
all times, having all we need, we will abound in every good work."

These are foundational doctrines. God’s gifts and promises stagger
us. "We are loved by God the Father and kept (secure) in Jesus Christ
by Him" (not ourselves!). Lets travel a step further.

First, a brief preface: Almighty God is one God, manifested in three
persons. All three persons: Father, Son and Spirit are perfect in
truth, purpose, agreement, fellowship and love toward each other.

Listen to the Son: "I always do those things which please the Father
… I and the Father are one … If you have seen Me, you have seen
the Father."

Listen to the Father: "Jesus Christ is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am
well-pleased … the Son of my love … My chosen One in whom my soul

How much does the Father love His Son? It is immeasurable, but
perfect, unconditional, unchanging and eternal. No one can ever
discover any deficiency in that perfect love.

Now, attention! How much does God love those who put their faith in
His Son? Listen closely, this will overwhelm. On the eve of His
betrayal and murder at the hands of men, the Son prayed to His
Father. Zero in on this incredible revelation.

"You (Father) have loved them (those who believe in Christ) even as
you have loved Me." If this doesn’t send a spiritual lightning bolt
cascading through your soul – you’ve been on pabulum, instead of solid

"Wake up, 0′ sleeper!" (Ephesians 5:14). God tells us that He loves
those who trust in His Son even as He loves His Beloved Son! This is
not a matter of feelings, experiences or signs and wonders. It is
simply faith in facts!

The Apostle John puts it like this: "Not that we loved God, but that
He loved us! And, so we know and rely on the love God has for us!" We
do not rely on self for anything. God teaches endlessly, that the one
trusting in self is a fool.

This glad truth totally dismantles the Armenian notion of salvation
insecurity. Such a thought contradicting God’s unconditional and
eternal love is unworthy of the least of His saints.

Our Lord now reveals the outcome of simply believing His Word. Listen
to this promise! If we but simply believe His promise, we "will have
the full measure of His joy within us." This is a breathtaking truth.

"But," the weak believer asks, "It is not working for me. I don’t
rejoice all the time. I still worry, doubt, fear for the family,
country, economy, future. Why is my faith so weak?"

Our Lord gives the reason and the solution for this common
malady. What is the master key which unlocks the door to abundant
life, joy and gratitude?

"I gave them your Word (in order for believers) to have the full
measure of my joy within them." This is the key to set us free from
self’s weaknesses. "If you continue in my Word, you will know the
truth, and be set free!"

Failure to experience the treasures of God’s endowment is always due
to neglect of His Word. (Beware: Wrongly dividing His Word by applying
Christ’s message for another Age, say the Age of Law (Mosaic) or the
Age of the future Kingdom, instead of the Mystery doctrine of the
Church Age will cause endless confusion.)

First, God "gave them eternal life." Then follows, "Sanctify (set
apart from self to God) by thy truth. Your Word is truth (doctrinal

This is always the solution to every problem. "My people are destroyed
because of the lack of knowledge (of sound doctrine)." "The
complacency of fools (not listening to all my Words) will destroy
them. But, listen, and you will be kept safe." This is reiterated
countless times in countless ways.

What more could we ask for? "Increase my faith, Lord!" Again, the
identical cure is prescribed. "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by
the Word of God." This is the church’s ("the pillar and foundation of
the truth") priority! Everything else of value flows from this: Grace
and Truth!

Our Lord commands: "Man shall live (not merely read), but live by
every Word of God. There are more than 770,000 words in God’s
completed Book. We’d better get crackin’!

"The Lord direct your hearts into God’s love" (1 Thessalonians 3:5)

Guy Fisher is a retired pastor and a resident of Lake Wales.

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