"Declaration Contains No Imperative Wording"


[07:19 pm] 03 November, 2008

Official Stepanakert finds the Moscow declaration over the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution realistic and normal.

Political scientist David Babayan thinks the declaration doesn’t
set any terms, concrete mechanisms or imperative wording over the
Karabakh issue. On the whole, he is of a positive opinion about the
declaration. The given document excludes settlement of the Karabakh
conflict by force.

The political scientist welcomes Russia’s bid to guarantee peace in the
region. "The declaration clearly stipulates that the conflict should be
settled through peaceful negotiations. The most important is that the
document has been signed by the Azeri authorities," said David Babayan.

The declaration clearly says that stability in South Caucasian region
can be achieved within the realms of principles, documents and norms
of international rights which state that Karabakh is undoubtedly a
conflicting side.

The political scientist underscores another positive point of the
document-the official circles of Armenia and Azerbaijan are to
contribute to the reinforcement of trust within the framework of
the efforts targeted at the conflict settlement. This suggests that
public and political organizations will receive greater attention
during the conflict regulation.