BAKU: Zahid Oruc: "It Is Incorrect To Regard Decision About Iraq As


Nov 11 2008

Day.Az interview with Zahid Oruc, deputy of Milli Medjlis, member of
the standing parliamentary commission on security and defense.

– On Monday the parliamentary commission on issues of defense and
security discussed prospects of complete withdrawal of Azerbaijani
peacekeepers from Iraq and recommended to Milli Medjlis to settle
this issue. What is it related to?

– I would like to note that on May 7 of 2003, under the
decision of the head of Azerbaijan, the armed forces of our
country joined an international coalition on conduction of the
peacekeeping activity. They served in Iraq on the basis of the due
UN resolution. The term of this service for the armed forces of
Azerbaijan was defined by five years. This year the mandate of this
peaceekeping mission expired. Thus, the withdrawal of peacekeeping
forces is only a technical issue and it would be incorrect to explain
this resolution with political motives.

The President has sent the due appeal to the parliament and it was
considered by our commission that decided to raise this issue at the
plenary session of the parliament.

– How do you assess the service of Azerbaijani peacekeepers in Iraq
through the past five years?

– I think measures Azerbaijan undertook through the past period for
consolidation of security in the world and our active position of
peacekeeping activity were highly evaluated by both the command of
international coalition and the countries, joining this coalition.

Our contingent, comprising 151 people, fulfilled a very responsible
function, mostly envisioning provision of security of electric stations
and water reservoirs in Iraq.

But, as I have already noted, the term of their activity has expired
and our forces are being completely withdrawn.

– The session of the commission was held just a few hours ago and
even now the statements of different observers which say that the
decision of Azerbaijan has a definite political ground are posted in
the Internet. At the same time, these observers mention relations
of Azerbaijan with NATO, Russia, the recent news in the Karabakh
settlement and the recent overall situation in the Caucasus. What do
you think of it?

– I consider it incorrect to regard this issue as a result of some
misunderstanding in our relations with the West and the United
States. The term of the mandate has completed, Azerbaijan’s position
was clarified and I think there are no problems here.

Moreover, it is unfounded to bind this decision to the recent events
in the Caucasus, Russia’s new role in the resolution of regional
conflicts, like some do in their analysis. This decision can not be
regarded as a rejection of cooperation with international coalition and
no new tendencies in the US-Azerbaijani relations should be looked for.

Moreover, I want to remind that other states, including Poland and
neighbor Kazakhstan also made a decision about the withdrawal of
peacekeepers due to the completion of the term of service. Even
such country, as Great Britain, which plays an active role in the
coalition, has repeatedly stated the need to withdraw British troops
from Iraq. I would like to remind that newly elected US President
Barack Obama also stated the intention to withdraw US troops in 16
months following his election.

– Will Azerbaijan’s participation in the peacekeeping mission in
Afghanistan change from now on?

– No. On the contrary, Azerbaijan has recently doubled its contingent
in Afghanistan, clearly stating the need to further cooperate with
the international coalition. This decision was balanced and careful
enough. The issue was discussed in the parliament. The participation of
our armed forces in maintenance of peace and security in Afghanistan
had a favorable influence on the international image of Azerbaijan
and I would not regard the decision about Iraq as part of Azerbaijan’s
policy of rejection of international contingent.