Leonardo DiCaprio applauds creators of Armenian Genocide film The Promise

Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio has applauded creators of the Armenian Genocide film The Promise.Ā 

“Oscar Isaac, Christian Bale and Charlotte Le Bon, under the direction of Terry George, provide extraordinary performances in the upcoming film The Promise,”Ā DiCaprio said in a Facebook post.

“I applaud the entire team, together with my good friend the legendary producer Mike Medavoy, whose enduring talent, dedication and commitment brought this important project and subject to life,” teh actor added.

Set during the last days of the Ottoman Empire, ā€œThe Promiseā€ is an epic human drama about a love triangle between Michael Boghosian, a brilliant medical student played by Golden Globe winning actor Oscar Isaac, the beautiful and sophisticated Armenian artist Ana played by Charlotte le Bon, and Chris Myers, a renowned American photo-journalist covering the war played by Oscar-winning actor Christian Bale.

The film is also supported by an impressive cast of international actors. Their relationships unfold amidst the start of the Armenian Genocide, causing major upheaval of their lives and a struggle just to survive.

The PromiseĀ hits theaters April 21.