Armenia, Georgia FMs hold talks in Yerevan

There are no problems between Armenia and Georgia, just issues that can be solved through joint efforts, Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said after talks with his Georgian counterpart Mikheil Janelidze.

At a meeting in Yerevan the Foreign Ministers of the two countries discussed a broad range of issues of cooperation in the fields of trade, energy, transport infrastructures, tourism and others.

Minister Nalbandian emphasized the essential progress in the relations between the two countries and pointed to dialogue on regional security as an important component of cooperation.

Issues of concern for Georgian Armenians and the ways of their solution were also discussed.

Minister Nalbandian briefed his Georgian counterpart on the joint efforts of Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs towards creating conditions conducive to furthering the Karabakh conflict settlement process.

“We attach importance to Georgia’s continuous support to the activity of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs,” he said.

A number of pressing regional and international issues were also discussed.