Armenian President Thinks Slagging Off Of The Moscow Declaration Is


2008-11-17 15:36:00

ArmInfo. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said in an interview with
Armenian Public TV he thinks slagging off of the Moscow Declaration
is absolutely unfounded.

‘I had no doubt this document will become the target of criticism
despite being the only document where Azerbaijan confesses the
political way of the Karabakh conflict settlement’, – the president
said. He also added that first they said it is wrong to sign a document
where there is no signature of the president or leaders of the NKR. ‘I
would like to remind these people of that part of my message to the
National Assembly and the people where I said about the Karabakh
conflict settlement, when it maybe settled and we shall be able to
congratulate presidents of Azerbaijan and Nagornyy Karabakh Republic
on willful and peaceful settlement of the conflict… I am for the
NKR and its president to be involved in the negotiating process, and
I think this is the most effective way’, – Serzh Sargsyan said. He
also added the Moscow Declaration has nothing in common with it,
since it is just a view of the three presidents regarding the conflict
settlement and a part of the talks: ‘Presidents of the three states
say the conflict should be resolved only in a peaceful way. I would
like to explain. After that I visited Paris and European structures,
and in Paris or Brussels they offered to sign a document in which
we prove our wish to resolve the conflict peacefully, what should I
do? Should I suggest to invite the NKR representative? It is illogical,
is not it? I reiterate once again, participation of the NKR in the
talks is the most effective way for the conflict settlement, there
is no other way>. The president thinks that the second reason of
slagging off is that Azerbaijan may speculate the issue since it is
fixed in the document that the conflict may be settled on the basis
of international principles and the documents adopted in their basis.

seek for the Karabakh conflict settlement – charters, concluding act,
all those documents within the frames of which one should look for
the Karabakh conflict settlement. Some people think Azerbaijan may
understand it as UN resolutions and speculate on it. It is clear
Azerbaijanis have to speculate.

But why are you speculating? Does it mean you prompting Azerbaijanis
ot gaining pleasure because of their speculations? Azerbaijani may
speculate on many problems. Finally, one should understand the
problem is not connected with Serzh Sargsyan’s person, but with
Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. You may love Serzh Sargsyan or not,
respect him or not, that is your private business. You can continue
criticizing everything, but you have to understand this is Nagornyy
Karabakh conflict>, – the president concluded.