Armenia Foreign Minister To Visit Baltic States

17.11.2008 13:30

The Foreign Minister of Armenia, Edward Nalbandian, is leaving for
an official visit to the Baltic States today.

November 17-19 the Armenian Foreign Minister will visit
Lithuania. Within the framework of the visit Edward Nalbandian will
have meetings with the President of the Republic of Lithuania Valdas
Adamkus, Foreign Minister Petras Vaytekunas and representatives of the
Armenian community. The Minister will visit also the State University
of Lithuania.

November 19-20 Edward Nalbandian will visit Latvia. During the visit
the Foreign Minister will give a joint interview with his Latvian
counterpart Maris Riekstins. Minister Nalbandian is scheduled to
meet with the President of the Republic of Latvia Valdis Zatles and
Speaker of Parliament Erika Zunda, as well as representatives of the
Latvian Armenian community.

November 20-21 Minister Nalabndian will visit Estonia, where he will
meet the President of the Republic of Estonia Toomas Henrik Ilves,
President of Parlaiment Ene Ergma and Foreign Minister Urmas Payet.