Estonia Willing To Help Armenia On The Path Of European Integration

22.11.2008 13:09

Within the framework of his visit to Tallin the Foreign Minister
of Armenia, Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with the President of
Estonian Parliament Ene Ergma.

Greeting Edward Nalbandian, Ene Ergma said she has the warmest feelings
for Armenia and the Armenian people. On behalf of the Parliament,
she expressed willingness to render any assistance to the development
of bilateral relations.

Edward Nalbandian noted, in turn, that Armenia is willing to reinforce
and deepen the friendly relations with Estonia and is set to take
concrete steps in that direction.

The interlocutors turned to issues of intensifying the cooperation
between the parliaments of the two countries, the activity of the
interparliamentary friendship group.

Ene Ergma and Edward Nalbandian exchanged views on bilateral
cooperation in the fields of science, education and culture.

Following his meeting at the Parliament, Edward Nalbandian visited
the Armenians Church of Tallin, where he had a meeting with members
of the National Council of the Armenian community.

On November 21 Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with the President of
Estonia Henrik Ilves.

President Ilves and Minister Nalbandian touched upon issues of
intensifying the bilateral relations. The parties noted that the
contractual-legal field existing between the two countries provides
an opportunity to take joint steps for expanding the bilateral and
multilateral cooperation between Armenia and Estonia.

Henrik Ilves noted that Estonia is ready to assist Armenia in the
process of deepening of relations with the European Union.