BAKU: European Azerbaijan Society Created In London


Nov 26 2008

UK, London, 26 November /Trend News corr. G.Ahmadova/ The main purpose
of the newly created European Azerbaijan Society will be to popularize
Azerbaijan in Europe, Chairman of the Society Taleh Heydarov said to
Trend News in London.

"Our main purpose is to inform Europeans of the culture, history,
and economic potential of Azerbaijan," said Heydarov.

According to the Chairman, one of the key challenges facing the
Society is to inform the public of the truth about Nagorno-Karabakh.

"We prepare various publications and they are spread over
Europe. Visions of Azerbaijan magazine which is published in the
Azerbaijani language informs the readers of the culture and history
of Azerbaijan," he said.

The European Azerbaijan Society is going to issue a new newspaper in
English to inform foreigners of news about Azerbaijan, Heydarov said.

Heydarov spoke about the book "Azerbaijan: 100 questions answered". "We
prepared Russian and English versions of the book and will try
to distribute them in England and other European countries," said
Heydarov. He said a new film about mugham (a musical tradition of
Azerbaijan), the culture of Azerbaijan and Garabag is being made
in English with the assistance of the Society. "The film will be
broadcast on a European TV channel in near months," he said.

The European Azerbaijan Society formerly functioned under the title
London Azerbaijan Society.