NKR President Held Meetings in Los Angeles


STEPANAKERT, 28.11.08. DE FACTO. On November 26 NKR President Bako
Sahakian gave an interview to the Armenian-Russian TV Network channel,
the largest Armenian TV channel in the USA. The President gave answers
to questions related to the settlement of Azerbaijani-Karabagh
conflict, recent development in the South Caucasian region and
Artsakh-Diaspora relations.
According to the information DE FACTO received at the Central
Information Department of the Office of the NKR President, on the same
day the Head of the State had met with members of the Southern
California District Committee of the Armenian General Benevolent Union
(AGBU) at the head of the committee’s chairperson Vahe Imasdounian.
A wide range of issues related to cooperation between Artsakh and the
Diaspora and preservation of the Armenian national identity were
discussed at the meeting. Taking about the development of the
Artsakh-Spyurk relations, Bako Sahakian considered important to make
them more organized and diverse as well as to establish a more stable
connection with Artsakh. The President rated high the work of the
AGBU’s educational establishments in preserving Armenian national
identity in the Diaspora.
Minister of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia Hranoush Hakobian, NKR
finance minister Spartak Tevosian and other officials partook at the
On November 26 President Sahakian also met members of the Central
ACommittee of the Ramkavar Azatakan Party Ara Aharounian and Gevorg
Grigorian as well as chairmen of the party’s Western USA and South
America Regional committees Hakob Nazarian and senator Sergio
A wide range of issues related to socioeconomic situation in the
republic, Nagorno Karabagh conflict settlement, and further development
of Artsakh-Diaspora ties were discussed during the meeting. The Head of
the State considered important the necessity to make the participation
of the Diaspora’s political forces in the development of the Motherland
more full-fledged and meaningful.
On the same day the President had meetings with philanthropists Jack
Gilejian and Albert Boyajian. Issues related to the prospects of
carrying out different projects in Artsakh.
On November 26Bako Sahakian visited Armenian Society of Los Angeles
that unites Armenians who moved to USA from Iran.
The President met representatives of the board of trustees of the
organization at the head of the board’s chairman Vahan Gregor and
members of the society. Bako Sahakian introduced to the participants
socioeconomic situation in the NKR, the Nagorno Karabagh conflict
settlement process, talked about deepening Artsakh-Diaspora ties.
President Sahakian rated high the role of the Iranian Armenians in
preserving Armenian national identity in the Diaspora, strengthening
ties between Spyurk and the Motherland as well as in regional politics
in the South Caucasian region. He20urged members of the community to
visit Artsakh more frequently.
Head of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop
Pargev, Armenia’s minister of Diaspora Hranoush Hakobian, NKR finance
minister Spartak Tevosian and other officials partook at the meeting.
On the same day the President partook at the annual reception of the
Knight Movement of the Armenian General Benevolent Union.
In his welcome address Bako Sahakian touched upon development that took
place in the NKR during the current year, the Artsakh-Armenia-Diaspora
cooperation and the Nagorno Karabagh issue. Speaking about the Nagorno
Karabagh conflict settlement the Head of the State underlined that this
is a Pan-Armenian issue and a problem of every single Armenian. Only
with everybody’s participation it will be possible to find a just
solution to this issue, said the President.