Taximen Are Discontent With Government


[03:32 pm] 01 December, 2008

Some 100 taxi-drivers staged a protest action in front of the
government building on December 1. As usual they protested a government
decision according to which only the cars manufactured over the past
ten years can serve as taxis.

The protesters stated that after a successful checkup the government
found that their cars are outdated.

The taximen say that the cars of taxi services are still older but
as they work for the service they ignore the date of production.

Taxi-driver Karen says that he has three underage children but he
doesn’t get family benefit as they say he has a car costing 100
000 drams.

"If I were able to afford a car, why should I drive a
taxi?" 27-year-old Armen Grigoryan said to A1+.

I beg for a licence as to keep my family. They say they cannot give
me one. What is to become of me? Should I rob others to keep my
children?" said indignant Karen.

Three taxists were allowed to the government building today to present
their demands.

The taximen stated they had been offered to work for taxi services. The
protesters are going to submit a written-compaint to the prime