Alexander Stubb: `I hope for a regional declaration on NK conflict’

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
Dec 3 2008

Alexander Stubb: `I hope for a regional declaration on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict in Helsinki summit’`

[ 03 Dec 2008 20:09 ]

Baku. Tamara Grigorieva ` APA. `In early period of my presidency in
the OSCE I thought that it will be an ordinary presidency like an
ordinary diplomatic job.

But now I think that our presidency was very important’, said Finnish
Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairman-In-Office Alexander Stubb at the
press conference dedicated to the results of Finland’s presidency in
the OSCE, APA correspondent reports from Helsinki. Stubb said foreign
ministers of 50 countries would join the OSCE Foreign Ministers
Council meeting in Helsinki on Thursday. `For the first time such
number of foreign ministers join the OSCE summit. 67 delegation were
accredited at the event and 1200 delegates expected to attend the
summit. There are two main issues on the summit’s agenda. First we
will hold discussion over the situation in the South Caucasus,
particularly in Georgia. We saw in early period of our presidency that
Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-Ossetian conflicts are not frozen and
Transdniestrian and Nagorno Karabakh conflicts are also developing. I
think it is good idea to discuss this issue within the OSCE. I believe
that the OSCE will focus on its priorities ` economy, security and
democracy for a long time’.

Alexander Stubb said the OSCE foreign ministers would adopt the
political declaration. `For the first over the past 60 years The OSCE
Foreign Ministers Council will adopt the political declaration. On the
other hand we will adopt two regional declarations on the
Transdniestrian and Nagorno karabakh conflicts. 10-15 documents more
expected to be adopted at the summit’.

The OSCE Chairman told APA correspondent that Azerbaijan and Armenia
have made progress in resolving the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. `The
OSCE hopes for a regional declaration on the issue at the Helsinki
summit. Things are looking quite good on Nagorno-Karabakh. I think
that we are moving away from a frozen conflict towards a permanent
solution, but of course we are not there yet, and it is very important
that the Minsk Group works on this’, said Stubb.

Responding the question about situation in Georgia Alexander Stubb
said results of discussions over this issue would be described in the
political declaration. `We had four targets during the conflict, first
to achieve ceasefire and we reached this goal. The second was sending
of military observers to Georgia, third withdrawal of troops from
Georgia and last target was start of long-term negotiations. This
dialogue is continued within the framework of Geneva Group and I hope
that the talks will be finished successfully’.