BAKU: Armenia and Georgia pollute Kura river on the border

Azerbaijan Business Center, Azerbaijan
Dec 3 2008

Armenia and Georgia pollute Kura river on the border with Azerbaijan

Baku, Fineko/ The National Environmental Monitoring Department
(Azerbaijan Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources) has conducted
monitoring for the third 10-day period of December to define level of
pollution in the Kura and Arax transborder rivers.

The Ministry’s press service informs that the monitoring revealed
exceeding multi-fold the norm of phenols and copper compounds in the
Kura and Arax rivers adjoining to points under transborder pollutions.

The main water contaminants in Shikhli-2 point of Kura River are
phenols and copper compounds, content of which has exceeded maximum
allowable coefficient 3-5 fold, in Agstafachay River ` copper
compounds exceeded the coefficient 3 fold and phenols ` 2 fold,
Agstafachay water storage ` phenols and copper compounds 2 fold.

Such biogenic matters as ammonium containing in these waters fit the
norms, but content of nitrite in points Agstafachay of Kura river
overtop 3 fold the norm level of thickness.

The cause of that is discharge of water without treatment from
industrial and stock-breeding enterprises on the territory of Armenia
and Georgia.

`It was revealed that content of phenols and copper compounds in Arax
River on the border with Armenia exceed the norm multifold. In
Goradiz, Shakh-Seven 1 and Bakhramtepe points content of main
pollutants – phenols and copper compounds was exceeded 3 fold,’ it was

Oxygene regime in all points was in norm and ranged 5.95-6.93 mg/l.