The US Government And Kurds

by Jaff Sassani

/KURDISTAN-THE-US-GOVERNMEN-by-Jaff-Sassani-081203 -764.html
Dec 7 2008

The US Government has been involved with the Kurdish nation’s case
since President Wilson’s famous declaration of the "program for
world peace".

The number of Kurds in the Middle East and Asia is estimated to be
between 40-50 million, the largest ethnic group in the world with no
country of their own. They have been led by tribal leaders, religious
tribal Islamic Sheik leaders, Socialists, Democrats and Communists. At
the end of each war they were defeated because of many reasons some
of which we will explained below, however the number one reason for
their continued failure is that the Kurds always fight without a plan.

The Kurdish nation is one of the original Aryan (Iranian, Eranshahr)
nations in the region. They formed the first organized Empire in
today’s Iran called the Medes Empire. In the year 647 – 3 B.C. the
Medes, Cimmerians and Mannaeans revolted against Esarhaddon, the
King of Assyria, under the leadership of Kashtaritu (Khshathrita). It
is probable that Kashtaritu is the same person whom Herodotus calls
Phraortes, the son of Deioces (Dayukku). Kashtaritu ruled until the
year 652 B.C. From 652 until 625 the Medes were ruled by the Scythians
or Sakas. In 615 the tribes of Media united under the leadership of
Cyxares (Huvakhshathra), attacked the Assyrian Empire and entered
Kerkuk (Arrapkha). In the year 612 B.C. the Medes together with the
Babylonians occupied Nineveh, and with the occupation of Hrran in 610
B.C. the Assyrian Empire fell. The Medes Empire ended when another
Aryan (Iranian) leader (Cyrus the great) from the royal family
changed the name of the Empire to the Achaemenids Empire (559 –
330 B.C.) after his father’s family name.

The people in the Kurdistan region are called Kurds today. They are one
of the original nations within the Aryan (Iranian) nations, like the
Persian from the Pars region, the Azeri from the Azerbaijan region,
and the Tajik from the Tajikistan region. They have historically had
the power to lead or be part of the leadership within the Aryan nations
just like any of the other Aryan branches. They were the rulers during
the Sassanid Empire before the Islamic Arab army conquered the land
of the Aryan people. The Sassanid Empire went back to the idea of a
united Aryan nation as it was before the Medes and the Achaemenids
Empires. For example they called citizen "Eranshahr" not pars-Ian and
they adopted the flag of blacksmith Kawa or Kavah as their own flags.

They led the Iranian people after Islam too. For example the Safavid
dynasty, Afshar dynasty and Zand dynasty. They have even had political
power in modern days like Dr. Karim Sanjabi who was the opposition
leader to the Shah of Iran after the death of Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh,
the Prime Minister of Iran, and the leader of the Democratic movement
in Iran. The PM was later overthrown by the CIA in favor for the Shah
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi of Iran dictatorship in 1953.

The US Government’s policies are wrong in the region. They never
followed President Woodrow Wilson’s program. We hope the new
administration will follow the "program for world peace" instead of
continuing the dirty games and wrong policies of the past.

We asked for equality with the European people in our article "The
New Administration Should Treat Iranians as It Does Europeans". There
are many articles about the Kurds in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and
the world, especially about the Iraqi Kurds in Kurdistan. The US
Government is dealing directly with the Kurds in Iraq. They have been
following the wrong policies in the region for a long time. They are
only helping dictators in the region. Those dictators could be the Shah
of Iran, Generals of Turkey, Barzani and Talibani of Kurds, Maliki
of Iraq, Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan and the ruler of Pakistan. We
do not understand the US Government’s policy in the region. They are
spending billions of US tax payer money in the region and the region
continues to deteriorate with no gain for either side.

The types of people they support in the area are akin to an Iraqi
mafia. The mind set of the leaders in Iraq is one of personal gain
without regard to the general population. We hope the readers will
understand what kind of the people the US Government is helping to
fight the terrorist organizations in the Middle East. Many writers
like Dr. Michael Rubin and others wrote about the corruption in the
Kurdistan region of Iraq, but the administration has taken no action
at all.

We want to point out the plan of Vice President Elect, Joe Biden,
and the tape "From Turkey to Iran" by Ambassador Peter Galbraith’s,
to advise the new administration with regard to the Kurds’ problems
and its solution in the region.

We ask Mr. Ambassador, as he is known to be one of the advisers to
Mr. Barzani according to media reports: How logical it is to ignore
the rights of 20-30 million Kurds in Turkey and 10-15 million Kurds in
Iran in favor of Mr. Barzani? Mr. Barzani and his partner Mr. Talibani
currently have control of 5 million Kurds in Iraq to rule and abuse
instead of showing humanity and justice for all Kurds.

We hope the newly elected President Obama won’t take this kind of
advice and make the same mistakes as many American administrations
have done since "President Woodrow Wilson’s program for world peace".

The Armenian and Kurdish genocide in Turkey should be recognized
instead of following the wrong and dirty games in practice today. The
US Government should follow the right approach to help Turks, Kurds,
Armenians, Persians and other nations in the region for peace and
stability instead of war and more war.

We are proposing the creation of an Aryan (Iranian) Economic Union
(AU) as we said before. We want to be treated as the European people
are treated. This Economic Union could integrate the Aryan and Turks as
one united people for peace and economic stability. Russia, EU, Israel
and the USA will be benefited by doing business with the proposed AU.

We are one hundred years behind in technology compared to Russia,
EU, Israel and the USA. We are a very good market with natural
resources. If we get help by the powers above it can be more beneficial
for our people and the people in those countries, instead of war
and instability.

We hope that the American people will encourage the new administration
to be on the side of good. We hope that the American people and
its elected Government will be our friend and partner for peace and
justice in the Aryan and Turk land in the Middle East and Asia Regions.