Disabled Have Equal Possibilities


14:50 22/12/2008

"Sunflower" 6th annual award ceremony on equal possibilities of
the disabled people organized by "Bridge of Hope" and "Mission
East" organizations and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
finished. The mission of the ceremony is to remind that the disabled
people have equal possibilities.

The ceremony included the publications from November 20, 2007 to
December 15, 2008. In 2008 the jury was content with the online
and print publications. In "Best article" nomination a journalist
from Goris Susanna Shahnazaryan was awarded, the second prize was
awarded to Edgar Amirkhanyan from "Panorama.am" online publication
( 8/09/02/teqahartakner/) and
the third prize was awarded to Haykuhi Barseghyan from "168 Zham".

"For two days the members of the committee have discussed the
publications, it was very difficult to make final decision," said
the President of "Bridge of Hope" NGO Susanna Tadevosyan.
