Gul Denies Rumors About His Mother’s Armenian Origin


22.12.2008 18:19 GMT+04:00

Turkish President Abdullah Gul denies rumors about his mother’s
Armenian origin.

In his statement yesterday, Gul announced that his mother’s side,
the Satoglu family from Kayseri, and his father’s side, the Gul family
also from Kayseri, are Muslim and Turkish, according to centuries of
written genealogy records.

"I respect the ethnic background, different beliefs and family ties of
all my citizens and see this as a reality and also the wealth of our
country with its imperial history. I also would like to emphasize
that all my citizens are equal to one another regardless of any
differences. No one has any superiority whatsoever over another
one. Everybody has the equal and same rights under the guarantee of
our Constitution," the statement read. "I am proud of our country,
which has reached this level of understanding."

When Gul was asked for his opinion on the campaign, he said the
state’s position is to improve relations with its neighbors. "We
believe dialogue to be the solution for problems we have with our
neighbors. Perpetuating problems is not useful for anyone," he said.

Member of MHP, parliamentarian Canan Aritman "reminded" of the Armenian
origin of the President’s mother. "Abdullah Gul should be the president
of the whole Turkish nation, not of his ethnic origin. Investigate the
ethnic origin of the president’s mother, and you will see," she said.