Armen Haroutiunian denies existence of a deal on some post

Armen Haroutiunian denies existence of a deal on some post between him
and authorities

YE REVAN, JANUARY 9, NOYAN TAPAN. RA Ombudsman Armen Haroutiunian at the
court sitting break on the "case of the seven" on January 9 refuted the
information published in press, according to which if he helps the
authorities to avoid PACE sanctions, he will be offered the post of the
RA Justice Minister or Prosecutor General. According to him, the
information that he will be appointed an Ambassador soon does not
correspond to reality, either. According to A. Haroutiunian,
Ombudsman’s post in general should not be subordinated to Prosecutor
General’s or Justice Minister’s posts.

He also said that he treats calmly the January 8 letter of several
dozens of arrested opposition activists, in which the latters demanded
his resignation. "Ombudsman’s opinion should not always completely
coincide with opposition’s or authorities’ political position," A.
Haroutiunian said.