Neonatal internsive care cot to medical research center


[06:54 pm] 16 January, 2009

Today VivaCell-MTS announced the official hand over ceremony of
neonatal intensive care cot to the Medical Research Center for
Maternal and Child Health Protection. The equipment for intensive
therapy from now on will be used for improving the condition of sickly
and weak infants increasing their chances of survival and will
eventually result in a major decrease in childhood mortality.

Armenia bears infant mortality rate of 25 out of every 1000 live
births, and no drop in child mortality has been registered over the
last 15 years. During the first month of life infant mortality is
usually caused by different health problems, low weight and poor
health among them. This can be avoided if special equipment is

As a responsible corporate citizen VivaCell-MTS pays huge attention to
health care for children and mothers. The special modern baby
intensive care cot purchased will help achieve improved health
outcomes in the context of ill children.

`Children’s health needs must be addressed as we must care for our
future today. VivaCell-MTS is dedicating its CSR activities in 2009 to
children under the title `VivaCell-MTS to Children’. Our projects will
target children’s needs on all levels. Handing over this important
equipment is a worthwhile and promising program that fits comfortably
into our overall activity in the sphere of CSR for year 2009 to the
benefit of the children of Armenia. Children are the flowers of our
life and their health is truly important. Their happy and healthy life
is everyone’s issue, and therefore it deserves the public’s
full-fledged support’, – noted VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph