Georgia Avoids Fulfillment Of International Commitments On Protectio


Noyan Tapan

Jan 26, 2009

YEREVAN, JANUARY 26, NOYAN TAPAN. The Yerkir Union of Repatriation and
Settling Down NGOs estimates the events occured lately in Javakhk as
a provocation, through which the Georgian authorities deliberately
aggravate the situation in the region and the Armenian-Georgian
relations. Robert Tatoyan, the Coordinator of Union’s programs, stated
at the January 26 press conference. It should be mentioned that on
January 22 employees of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs
arrested Grigor Minasian, the Director of Akhaltskha Youth Center,
and Sargis Hakobjanian, the Chairman of the Charles Aznavour charity
organization. They were arrested with accusations of preparing a crime,
creation of an illegal armed grouping, and espionage.

According to Union Chairman Sevak Artsruni, the Georgian authorities
by raffling the "Armenian separatism" card try to avoid fulfillment of
international commitments on protection of rights of ethnic minorities,
including Armenians. Besides, according to S. Artsruni, thus they make
an attempt to induce the Armenian authorities to new concessions in
the issue of solving the problems faced by the Armenians of Javakhk
and Georgia. He affirmed that the Armenian side should not submit to
those provocations, but should try to solve that problem by applying
to international organizations.

The Yerkir Union addresses to the international community calling
for undertaking immediate steps to prevent further deepening of
the crisis and solving the socio-economic, language, educational,
and religious problems of Georgia’s national minorities. According to
Union’s statement, international community’s indifference in practice
privileges the Georgian authorities to further strengthen pressure
upon the Armenian political activists in Javakhk, which results
in situation’s further aggravation and uncontrollable development
of processes.