Today The Cabinet Continued Discussing The 2008 Performance Reports


Wed nesday, 4 February 2009

In the first half of the day, reports were submitted by the Ministry
of Territorial Administration, the Ministry of Economy and the State
Revenue Committee by the Government.

In connection with the report of the RA Ministry of Territorial
Administration, not only did the Prime Minister touch upon territorial
development-related problems, but he also spoke about such actions
as will have to be carried out over the next 3-4 years under the
medium-term expenditure program. "We are going to commence the
drafting of the 2010 State budget law, therefore today there is a
need of discussing such redistribution proportions as are necessary
to ensure that the pace of regional development is higher than that
of the capital city," the Prime Minister stressed and underscored
the need for increased allocations to marzes.

Concerning the problems raised in the report of the Minister of
Economy, the Prime Minister noted that a possibly efficient use of time
should be made in order to address the multitude of problems faced:
"Developing individual branches of economy should be central in the
anti-crisis action plan," the head of government said. He stressed the
need for making a more realistic evaluation of Ministry’s resources,
i nitiating serious study work and using the results of intellectual
activities to build up capacity in close cooperation with the Civil
Service Council.

With reference to the report of the head of the State Revenue Committee
and speaking about the tasks set for FY 2009, the Prime Minister said
in particular: "2009 is expected to be the most difficult period for us
because the global crisis is generating numerous problems in the area
of revenue collection which can slow down the reforms. Nevertheless,
we must meet the planned targets and, in this respect, I think that
all ministries and government agencies should back the State Revenue
Committee with this important task." Tigran Sargsyan appreciated that
the leadership of the Committee are well aware of those challenges
facing the agency. According to the head of government, all agency
heads must realize that the State Revenue Committee cannot address
the problems on its own. The Prime Minister indicated that a special
focus should be placed on social dialog and public awareness raising
measures, because the lack of information accounts for most of
popular complaints. "We get support each time we meet with small
and medium-size business representatives, market administrators,
individuals and explain the objectives and the tools behind the
reforms. This means that in 2009 we should allocate more resources to
information and public relation services for reform-oriented awa reness
raising programs. Any amendment or reform should be anticipated by
sufficient notice given to those concerned. If we see that the public
is not yet prepared to accept a measure, we ought to postpone it for
some time," the Prime Minister said. In the second half of the day,
reports were submitted by the National Security Service and the Police.

In connection with the report of the RA Police, the head of government
mentioned that there is still much to in terms of bringing in
skilled professionals, raising wages and augmenting the level of
budget allocations.

He stressed that due to the global crisis criminality is growing

Increased funding is supposed to enhance preventive enforcement
capacity in 2009.

On behalf of the Government and on his own behalf, Prime Minister
Tigran Sargsyan expressed deep condolences to the family and close
relatives of late Deputy Head of Police Gevorg Mheryan who was killed
yesterday at the entrance of his home. After hearing the performance
report submitted by the Police, the meeting was provided information
on the operative-intelligence actions carried out so far which was
later on made public by the Police.