13:21 16/02/2009
"Azerbaijan has started its traditional anti-Armenian campaign
over Khodjalou events in 1992. The official Azeri campaign takes
every measure to blame Armenian party in the tragedy by dripping
anti-Armenian poison into the consciousness of the international
society and native people," says the announcement made by the Foreign
Ministry of Nagorno Karabakh.
According to the release, the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Nagorno
Karabakh focused native people’s attention on the false photo
putblished on Azeri web site, particularly, the web site of "Heidar
Aliev foundation" (). It is a falsified photo of
dead citizens with an image of a populated are in the back. That
photo is a Kosovo photo and it is published in Serbian, Albanian,
German nd famous "New York Times" web sites.
"It is significant that the campaign has marked anti-Armenian focuses
and is used to strengthen the ethnic intolerance and hate of Azeri
towards Armenians. Unfortunately, "Khodjalou" is the highlight of
Azeri inner and foreign policy," says the announcement.