A Pumpkin Roll in Ukraine, World

The Christian Science Monitor

The Monitor’s View
from the December 28, 2004 edition

A Pumpkin Roll in Ukraine, World

According to a Ukrainian custom, a woman rejects an unwanted suitor by
handing him a pumpkin. So it was that pro-democracy supporters said “no” to
corruption and autocratic rule by dumping pumpkins on a street in Kiev
Sunday – and voting for the reform-minded Viktor Yushchenko for president.

These pumpkin-rolling Ukrainians, along with 52 percent of their fellow
citizens, succeeded in overturning a rigged election Nov. 21. In backing Mr.
Yushchenko in a vote that this time was far fairer, they have proven to the
world that they want to join the march of newly free nations.

And it is a forward march, despite backsliding, most notably in Russia. Over
the past 15 years, the number of electoral democracies has risen from 69 out
of 167 states (41 percent) to 119 out of 192 states (62 percent) – more
elections, more democracies, more rights.

This is according to Freedom House, a nongovernmental organization which
keeps an annual tally of the globe’s “free” nations. The group, which
announced its count last week, found that freedom progressed the world over
in the past 12 months, with 26 countries (such as Ukraine and Georgia)
showing gains, and 11 nations (such as Belarus and Armenia) registering

Freedom has moved ahead in some surprising regions, like the Middle East and
North Africa. There, where Saudi Arabia ranks among the worst in civil
liberties and political rights, some modest gains have been made. Egypt,
Jordan, Morocco, and Qatar showed improvement in such areas as women and
family rights, as well as press and academic freedoms.

In the last century, world wars and the cold war led to the defeat of
despots responsible for killing or oppressing millions of their own people,
and those in conquered lands.

At the dawn of this new century, global terrorism represents a different
kind of challenge. But the answer is still the same: more freedom, more
democracy, more rights.

Exactly how these freedoms come to be is still the challenge for today’s
political leaders. President Bush has tried to impose freedom militarily,
first in Afghanistan, with pretty good success, and then in Iraq, where the
jury is still out.

Ukraine illustrates what can happen when the surge for freedom bubbles up
from within. While the US and other countries helped the democratization
process by providing funds, training, and people for election monitors,
pollsters, judges, and others, the Ukrainians themselves led their own
“orange revolution.”

>From the rise of democracy in Asia and Latin America in the 1980s, to
Eastern Europe from the late ’80s on, countless examples show how important
it is to have “the people” themselves want and push for freedom.

Next month, Iraq will have its first elections, and embark on the road to
greater determination of its own destiny. For democracy to survive against
suicide bombers, Iraqis will have to want it as badly as the Ukrainians did.