Vegetation Is Averted


[03:16 pm] 18 February, 2009

If the rise in temperature continued, Armenian farmers would have
poor harvest this year. Peasants are greatly concerned about the
sudden climate changes.

"Surely, warmth is pleasant. On the other hand, it can make trees
blossom earlier. But we feared that we should have scanty harvest
with the arrival of frosts. Thanks God we did not suffer much,"
said an apple seller in Nor Nork district Gagik Melkonyan.

Head of "Armstatehydromet" SNCO Zaruhi Petrosyan says fruit-bearing
trees are no longer under the threat of vegetation. Vegetation would
be inevitable if the temperature were five degrees above normal for
the last five years.

Fortunately, the weather changes helped stop vegetation in due
time. Temperature began falling down from February 11 and it will
still fall by 7-9 degrees," she added.