The Service For Compulsory Enforcement Of Judicial Acts Keeps Buyer’


[04:36 pm] 17 February, 2009

Leader of "Prosperous Armenia" party Gagik Tsarukyan still believes
that nobody should have participated in the bid for the "Bjni"
mineral water factory belonging to the Sukiasyan family, told "A1+"
press speaker for Tsarukyan Khachik Galstyan. Galstyan said that the
party leader has nothing else to say and that he doesn’t even know
who purchased it, but he hadn’t changed his opinion months ago.

"I have been a friend and partner of Khachik Sukiasyan. I will never
participate nor advise anyone to participate in that auction. As for
the documentation, the director and accountant are to blame because
they are being paid to do their job," said Gagik Tsarukyan last
December 23.

A proposal was made to buy the assets and rights to assets thirty
minutes before the auction held yesterday. "A1+" was not able to
find out from Hayrapetyan personally because he refused to answer
the phone calls. But he told one of the presses that he purchased the
factory. Thirty minutes before the auction held yesterday a proposal
to buy the assets and rights to assets was made.

In fact, the Service for Compulsory Enforcement of Judicial Acts
continues to keep the name of the buyer a secret adding that the
buyer still hasn’t made any payment.

"A1+" tried to find out what Deputy of the Republican faction Edward
Sharmazanov had to say about the purchase of "Bjni".

What do you have to say about depriving a businessman of his assets
for his political views in Armenia?

"Everything must be within the framework of the law. If not, they must
appeal to the court. If the state bodies say that it is within the
law and there is no political motive, that is a different story. It
has to be cleared up. I don’t comment based on predictions," told
"A1+" Sharmazanov and added that he believes that nobody should be
repressed due to his political views and must not be sentenced, but
on the other hand, the state bodies say that this has nothing to do
with Sukiasyan’s political activity.

The Sukiasyan family looks at all of this as persecution recalling
that the pressures began when Deputy Khachatur Sukiasyan joined first
RA President Levon Ter-Petrosyan. Khachatur Sukiasyan has currently
gone underground.