ANKARA: A specialist

Turkish Press/Aksam
Dec 30 2004

A specialist
BYEGM: 12/30/2004

AKSAM- Groups dedicated to making Turkey accept claims of the
so-called Armenian genocide, including those from the European Union,
have always favored Halil Berktay. A professor at Sabanci University,
Berktay is a historian, but he hasn’t done any original research into
the claims. He always says that `something’ happened in 1915 and
gives speeches supporting Yerevan and the claims of the Armenian
diaspora. He even said, `What would happen if Turkey accepts this?
It’s far in the past.’ Even non-specialists can see what would follow
such an acceptance. This is a situation designed to lead Turkey into
a trap. Like those who say, `Give Cyprus away and get rid of the

Another professor, Nursen Mazici, explored the events at that time
from many angles, and not from her armchair either. Mazici probed the
allegations using evidence from British and French archives and
proved that the events, which the Ottoman Empire is blamed for, were
a plot of Britain. Mazici explained how Britain promised the land to
both the Kurds and Armenians and so set them against each other. `The
problem is geography and the will to possess the region’s natural
resources,’ added Mazici. `History repeats itself, but only for

Similar discussions are taking place over the future of Cyprus.
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Rauf Denktas is
sticking to his guns. TRNC Foreign Minister Mehmet Ali Talat, on the
other hand is tiring of all this and is slowly accepting his destiny.
If the Turkish Cypriots gain anything, it will be thanks to Denktas.
If it were my choice, I would appoint him our chief negotiator for
the EU accession talks.