Creating A Database


[05:36 pm] 05 March, 2009

The Diaspora Department of the RA National Academy of Sciences is
creating a database of Armenian NAS members abroad and scientists
working on research and scientific-technical projects in foreign
countries. The academy’s site will include information on the
Diaspora Armenians’ current workplace, posts, membership in research
organizations abroad, as well as contacts.

The department is currently organizing the participation of foreign
members in the annual meeting of the academy.

As Head of the Diaspora Department of the RA National Academy of
Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Vanya
Barseghyan informed, foreign members of the academy will come with
their reports, discuss possibilities for conjunct investigations,
as well as issues relating to training and preparation of young

The Diaspora Department of the National Academy of Sciences was founded
in 2008 by the decision of the General Board of the RA National Academy
of Sciences. On 2008 October 10 President of the RA National Academy of
Sciences Radik Martirosyan and RA Diaspora Minister Hranush Hakobyan
signed a cooperation plan, according to the information of the news
service of the NAS.