HSBC Bank Armenia to improve technical customer support in 2009


HSBC Bank Armenia to improve technical customer support in 2009
07.03.2009 19:43 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `This year HSBC Bank Armenia intends to invest $2m
in telephone and Internet banking, said Tim Slyther, Executive
Director General of HSBC Bank Armenia at the press-conference,
Saturday. Considering the clients’ interests in using various means of
bank service, the management has made a decision to meet their
request. The experience proved that with time the number of clients
who directly turn to the Bank departments will decrease,’ he said

`The development in technologies will lead to new demands of the
clients to use new and more advanced methods of Bank Service, Slyther
explained. So the telephone banking has already been implemented, and
by the end of 2009 our clients will be able to make use of the
internet banking. HSBC Bank Armenia plans to spend $2 m. to finance
these two projects. As to the security and privacy of this
information, Slyther assured us in the following,’It is easier to
forge a signature than a coded number fixed in one’s memory.’