Int’l math contest `Kangaroo’ to be held in Armenia on March 19

International math contest `Kangaroo’ to be held in Armenia on March 19

YEREVAN, March 13. /ARKA/. International mathematical contest
`Kangaroo’ is to be held throughout Armenia on March 19.

The contest is organized by `Ayb’ educational fund under auspices of
Armenian Ministry of Education and Science, says the press release.
General sponsor of the contest is Bank VTB (Armenia) closed joint stock

`Kangaroo’ suggests logical and diverting problems to participants and
is held in about 50 countries involving over 5mln schoolchildren every
The aim of the contest is to cultivate a comprehensive interest in math
ion children.

According to the press release, over 30,000 pupils from about 500
schools in Armenia are to participate in Kangaroo-2009 contest.

Such active participation and great number of participants is
unprecedented not only for Armenia, but also for all contest-holding
countries, the report says.

Prices are to be awarded to winners in all Armenian regions after the
results of the contest are summarized. `0–