They miss the rallies


They miss the rallies
[05:25 pm] 12 March, 2009

Head of the police of Yerevan Nerses Nazaryan held today a press
conference and asked whether streets had been closed down during the
last rally held by the opposition. He even officially announced that
there would have been a response to that in case it happened.

Then, when journalists brought up examples of streets that had been
closed down and people had not been allowed to take part in the rally
on March 1, Nazaryan said:

`Sometimes we take measures for safety. I don’t exclude that the
community head or police officer may have asked one of his relatives
wishing to attend the rally why he was going.’

As for other impediments for the rallies, Nazaryan said:

`There are no rallies taking place. They held one rally and that was
it. We miss the rallies.’

According to him, the last rally proved that the police officers are
in good relations with the rally organizers.

`We don’t see a danger in the number of people attending the rally
because we meet with the organizers and hold talks. They are also
concerned about maintaining order,’ said Nazaryan. `We have to use
ultimate measures to prevent provocation. The events of March 1 will
not happen again because we will not let disorder reach that level.’

`My son is a good boy’

Head of the police of Yerevan Nerses Nazaryan denied the rumors that
his son Armen Nazaryan wants to become district head after the
elections for mayor of Yerevan. Nazaryan informed that his son is
still 23 years old and is currently working as adviser to head of the
Arabkir district and doesn’t plan to hold the post of district head.

`Even if he wanted, his name had to be in the list of the council of
elders or be one of the top two contenders. There is no such issue;
however, I must say that my son would be a very good community head.’

Police to respond to yesterday’s protest

According to Nazaryan, the police were not aware of the
anti-corruption protest organized yesterday by the `Miasin’ youth
movement. Members of the movement had posted pictures of three
professors and had passed out flyers.

`The flyers were handed out late at night. We can’t have police
officers standing near the university at each university to see
whether they are posting flyers or not,’ said Nazaryan underlining
that the police can’t be in favor of or participate in any protest.

Nazaryan said that if people have anything to protest, they can appeal
to them. Nazaryan said that he didn’t like what he saw yesterday.

`Dean of the Law Faculty of the Yerevan State University Mr. Ghazinyan
personally called me to find out what measures the police are
taking. The police may take action if there is a statement. The
Yerevan State University will soon send a statement and the police
will respond,’ said Nerses Nazaryan.