Iranian, Armenian speakers discuss ties

IRNA, Iran
March 13 2009

Iranian, Armenian speakers discuss ties

Yerevan, 14 March: Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki, in a meeting
with Armenia’s National Assembly [parliament] Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan
here Friday [13 March] said that the two parliaments can always
support bilateral ties.

According to a report by the Foreign Ministry’s media department,
Mottaki added that the parliaments, as representatives of the two
nations, by supporting their governments, can strengthen mutual ties.

Evaluating developments and the world crisis caused by wrong policies
of former US President George W. Bush, Mottaki said the failure of
Bush policies was mainly because of a lack of interaction with the

The Iranian foreign minister, by expounding on Middle East
developments, said the new Middle East is being formed upon the
intention of its real people and their brave resistance against the
puppet Zionist regime and its supporters.

Armenian National Assembly Speaker Abrahamian stressed that Armenian
parliament strongly supports strengthening relations between the two
countries .

He added that Iran’s analysis of the world developments is in
conformity with the world realities.