Press photographer covering student protest severely beaten in Yerev

Interfax, Russia
March 13 2009

Press photographer covering student protest severely beaten in Yerevan

YEREVAN March 13

A press photographer of the Yerevan- based newspapers Morning and The
Fourth Estate was severely beaten on Friday.

Gagik Shamshian attempted to take pictures of students at the State
Linguistic University, this caused a verbal exchange with the
university guards, which then grew into a fistfight.

According to police accounts, Shamshian, 38, was beaten by Karen
Miridzhanian, 33, the chief of the university security service, who
was then brought to the Yerevan city central police department.

Police also said Shamshian was at the Nairi medical center with
injuries to his internal organs and internal hemorrhaging.

Armenian media reported that students and members of the youth
movement Together protested against bribery near the university on

Journalists, including Shamshian, attempted to enter the university
following the protest, but security guards barred the entrance, which
caused the conflict involving Shamshian.

Armenian Human Rights Commissioner Armen Arutyunian said similar
incidents went unpunished before.

"I am urging the law enforcement agencies to take all necessary
measures to find those responsible for the incident and hold them
liable," he said.

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